Milkweed Broccoli: flower buds
Milkweed is one of the most versatile plants in God’s vast wild grocery store. It provides many medicinal and practical benefits and SIX edible vegetables throughout
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Milkweed is one of the most versatile plants in God’s vast wild grocery store. It provides many medicinal and practical benefits and SIX edible vegetables throughout
Milkweed is one of my favorite green gifts. I love it’s early Spring shoots, young leaves, the milky latex sap that makes the whole process
Milkweed Buds Feta Cheese Casserole Pick these in June when the flowers are still tightly inside the buds. They taste like Broccoli! 1. Trim all
For Holly’s writings on Milkweed check out the post “Throw Me in That Milkweed Patch”. Below is a compilation of info on Milkweed that
Burdock is such a generous plant. So many wonderful gifts to offer, edible and medicinal….One of the most overlooked delicacies are the stems (petioles) of
Part of the rhythm of seasonal living in my life, is enjoying The Wildly Preserved in the Winter months while waiting for fresh Spring Wild
Substituting wild edible plants for your favorite cookbook ingredients Many have asked me where I find recipes for my wild menus, especially after they have
My dear mentor, Marc Williams, came to my house to do his thing! Which is to lead us on a Forage to Feast wild foodie event!
I eat wild edible weeds and I eat Paleo. Which means that I eat REAL food, most of it FREE for the picking. WILD?
There are abundant and varied gifts in each of the seasons but Spring takes my breath away as life emerges from seeming barrenness.
Wild Greens Dandelion Yellowdock Daisy leaves Strawberry leaves Blackberry leaves Chickweed Cleavers Creasy Greens Red Clover Violet leaves Marshmallow leaves Nettle Ramps Toppings Milkweed Shoots
Why Eat Wild Foods? Nature was the original supermarket. Ever wonder what the pioneers ate while transversing the Oregon Trail? There were indeed supermarkets waiting
Egg mixture 10 farm fresh eggs & 2 cups of Sheep Sorrel, seasoned with Braggs Liquid Aminos Lawry’s Seasoned Salt to taste (or equivalent type
1 T toasted sesame oil 3 cups cooked Jasmine rice 6 cups of water 2 bouillon cubes 1 c Red Clover flowers Heat the sesame
What a joy it is to teach children about wild food. I like to think of it as spreading the Wild Fire! This past week,
This Foragers Heart (wild meditations) Psalms 145:5 “Of the glorious splendor of Your majesty and of Your wondrous works I will meditate.” I sit