A learning resource that can help you get outside and connect with nature.
Wild Blessings Advent
DAY 5 Wild Blessings Advent is your creative path to celebrate the coming of Jesus incorporating the wonders of the natural world around you.
Each day we will follow the rhythm of Advent and the Christmas Season by incorporating these steps to take in the beauty of nature and the resources God has given us to learn more about Jesus, God come to earth.
1. Scriptures – The First Prophecy of the Messiah
Old Testament (OT) Genesis 3:13,15
Then the Lord God said to the serpent…“Because you have done this…I will make enemies of you and the woman, and of your offspring and her Descendant; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.”
New Testament (NT) Hebrews 2:14 (TLB)
Since we, God’s children, are human beings—made of flesh and blood—God became flesh and blood too by being born in human form; for only as a human being could He die and in dying break the power of the devil who had thepower of death.
2. Christmas Movies & Music for the Season
Click to watch The Chosen, Season 2, Episode 1. In this episode the disciples are meeting together after James had been martyred and are reminiscing about the years they spent with Jesus. John begins to write his epistle the Gospel of John as he remembers the Lord. It is an amazing episode capturing as well, the story of the Good Samaritan from an unusual perspective. Enjoy!
Supplies – • Plain white gift bags (buy in bulk) • packaging tape • fresh natural beauty (leaves, flowers, ferns…)
Instructions – 1. Gather supplies and forage for nature scraps (each item must be THIN to work) 2. Keep the leaves flat under a heavy book till ready to use to keep from curling up 3. Make sure to wash and dry your hands before handling the tape 4. Cut the packaging tape into strips to be hanging on the edge of the counter ready to use 5. design your gift bag without the tape first 6. Tape each leaf or flower petal flat starting in the middle of the leaf or whatever and then pressing outwards to avoid all bubbles, the goal is to make it as flat as possible 7. Place gift inside with tissue paper or use more natural beauty to add interest to your gift (pine cones, fir, grasses…)
4. Recipes
Wild Granola – This is my favorite granola recipe and it can be more wildly nutritious by adding wild edible seeds (Yellowdock, Plantain, Amaranth, and Lambsquarter seeds are great seed choices) and wild nuts (Butternut, Hickory nuts, Black Walnuts or Hazelnuts).
Recipe below
Plantain Seed Stalks – Plantago major Plantain seeds contain psyllium, a fiber that can help with digestive issues. They are also nutritious and nutty in flavor. I love to gather a LOT of plantain seeds to store for winter use.
Lambsquarter seeds – Chenopodium album Lambsquarter seeds are the second highest wild seed in protein. 17 grams of protein for a half of a cup.
5. Handouts
Week One of Advent Scriptures
1. Print this page on white copy paper 2. Use the guidelines to cut out the verses 3. Roll each piece of paper into a scroll and tie with twine 4. Insert into the pockets of your Advent calendar for the month of December 5. Each day read the verse or portion of Scripture for the day together as a family
Verse of the Day
1. Print out today’s verse 2. Keep all the verses in a Wild Blessings advent notebook that will keep all the handouts to come
PAYPAL – Whether you are paying for an upcoming event or contributing a donation, you can always use PayPal.com. Look there for my account, Holly Drake.