Wild Blessings Classes are an important way to get involved in learning, especially during these days when we should all be spending an increasing amount of time in nature. My online classes are free and presented each week on YouTube. Many families are now teaching their children at home and using Zoom has become a normal way of learning. Join me for one hour a week and learn about the creation that is edible and plentiful!
Teaching Tuesdays
When: Every Tuesday (posted online)
Where: Facebook live on Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake (a private group, request to join) or Wild Blessings Youtube channel.
What: Ever wonder what is on Nature’s shelves right now? Join me in this virtual teaching where I will showcase edible and medicinal plants as they come in season. I’m so excited to be starting this in the Winter so we can ride Nature’s Wave together. Sometimes we’ll be Befriending one plant for the hour and then writing a poem about it, other times I will teach on important topics to empower you as a forager and fellow wild one to appreciate creation and the Creator. I will demonstrate various herbal preparations and cooking techniques with wild foods right there in my kitchen. For years this class was held on the porch of the Todd Mercantile but with Covid I decided to keep the learning going in the safety of our own homes.
These classes are not only available for members of Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake private FB group, but you can watch each week on my Wild Blessings Channel on YouTube. Friend me on Holly Drake FaceBook if you want to be added to our private Wild Blessings group.
Teaching Tuesdays are FREE.
Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake Private FB Group
Would you like to be a member of our private Wild Blessings Facebook group? It is a great way to stay connected and ride Nature’s Wave virtually together. If you wish to join you have to ‘friend me’ on Facebook and then I can send you an invite. There are some seasoned foragers in our group and we all learn more together. This is where Teaching Tuesday classes will be aired live each week and kept for replay. Members post on the topic of the week, sharing their plant poems, projects and experiences in nature.
Please consider before asking to join because I really only want people who are committed to making this cyber community meaningful with their engagement and feedback.