Jesus Christ, who claimed to be the Messiah, was referred to as “the Anointed One”. Why was he given that title? How can we know if what he claimed is true? Join me April 2, 2021 to investigate the claims of the one called “the Christ.” This could forever change your understanding of who Jesus really was.
Did you know that the Gospels tell us of how Jesus encouraged the use of essential oils? Can we learn from the ancient practices that used healing oils? Come rediscover how the Creator in His wisdom has provided for our health and wellbeing.
Why was Jesus gifted Frankincense and Myrrh at His birth? Why were essential oils used by Jesus and His disciples with prayer for healing?
Click here on Friday, April 2, 2021 at 8:30 PM EST to join the ZOOM meeting and tune in, wherever you are:
Before class:
1. Collect these oils from your stash: Peppermint, Frankincense, Myrrh, Joy, Cedarwood, Hyssop, Spikenard, Cypress, Sandalwood
2. Print out these handouts: Healing-Oils-Life-Of-Jesus-Handouts
This is tonight’s outline for Healing Oils in the Life of Jesus Christ
• Handouts (print out from above link)
• Credits and Disclaimers
• Raffle (to receive a gift of a bottle of Anointing Oil) – comment in Zoom chat room to enter
• Overview
I. Messiah – Anointed One
– Risen Trailer VIDEO
– John 1:31-41 Nathaniel’s testimony “We have found the Messiah”
– What are the odds?
– What is in a name?
Christos (Greek) = Messiah (Hebrew) = Anointed One
– Jesus, the Face of God anointed with the oil of JOY Hebrews 1:2,3
– Peter’s confession VIDEO from Matthew Visual Bible
II. God’s Love Manifest in Molecules
– What are essential oils?
– What do essential oils do? – How do they work?
III. Essential Oils in Jesus’ Life
(look for prophecies fulfilled, look for LOVE, and look for the use of essential oils)
1. Birth Matthew 2:1-12 FRANKINCENSE
2. Jesus in Temple Luke 4:16-21 Oil of JOY
3. Heal the sick VIDEO Leper Acts 10:38, Leviticus 14 CEDARWOOD, HYSSOP 4. Commission Disciples Mark 6:6,12,13 CEDARWOOD
5. Harlot anoints Jesus Feet Luke 7:36-49 SPIKENARD & MYRRH
6. Woman anoints Jesus’ head the night before He is betrayed VIDEO
7. The Mock Trial and Christ’s Crucifixion Mark 15:16-41 CYPRESS, MYRRH
8. The women prepare spices and oils for Jesus and find the tomb empty Luke 23:54-56, Luke 24:1-12
9. Burial / Resurrection John 19:31-41 ALOES/SANDALWOOD, MYRRH
IV. Concluding thoughts
RAFFLE WINNER: The winner of the raffle will be determined with a random selector on the computer. Enter by commenting in the ZOOM chat room. I will announce the winner on my FB page the next day after the event.
Lorraine McBrearty says
hi – Came across your blog while looking for a foraging prayer. I’ve gathered a small group to forage locally ( Musselburgh Scotland) as we cannot gather a forest church group which was planned before lock down. It looks amazing. Can i sign up for updates?
Lorraine – Church of Scotland development worker.
holly says
Hi Lorraine, I will be doing a Food Security Webinar soon and will be sure to contact you in advance. Also working on adding blogs as I am now doing Wild Blessings full time. Please pray for my ministry to be a wild blessing to many. God bless you!