Never thought I’d title a subject line with that name but yes, I gratefully report that I found the evasive green gift hiding in PLAIN view…right next to the cow fence at the llama farm across the street….all along.
Come to find out Knotweed is an extremely invasive plant. It is taking over the planet. It’s root system is extensive growing a tap root that can be two to three feet as well as lateral roots that extend some 4 feet. It will grow through concrete, buildings… eradicating it in England is big business. So I don’t think I’ll be transplanting any of it to my little acre.
Here are two videos addressing this growing concern
BUT Japanese Knotweed is also a super gift as it is yummy and it makes powerful medicine (purportedly an effective treatment for Lyme disease). So if you can’t beat it…EAT IT!
Here are some pics of the jam I made this week with Japanese Knotweed, Blueberries (frozen from last Summer) & fresh Strawberries.
It turned out so amazing! I’m going to try my hand at Knotweed icecream this summer. I have a freezer full of it’s young shoots sliced into green rings of nutrition.
Canned for future yumminess. I’m thinking of making Crabgrass Muffins with this jam stirred into the batter and sprinkled with Cinnamon and Brownsugar for a way to doll up grass muffins.
dana says
Wow, this looks wonderful! Would you share the recipe?
holly says
I use the knotweed as a lemony agent. Just add to any berry jam recipe. Simple! And you are adding resveratrol to your nutrition!