One of my herbal friends and foraging partners lives on beautiful land off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. One of the surprising gifts of their many acres is an endless supply of Spearmint in a lower pasture. It is fed by underground springs and thus happily multiplying in the moisture that mints are so fond of.
Fun to walk through the knee high grasses and plants noticing the many tight buds of Daisy, Yarrow, Self Heal and Clover. Soon the fields will be ablaze with color. Every once in awhile a Red Clover blossom presented itself and I gladly plucked it to restock my dwindling supply of last Summer’s Trifolium pratense. A few looked so plump and tasty that they never made it to the basket. If they are found before the bees pollinate them they taste almost as sweet as honey!
Not only did I pick a basket full of Spearmint, but I dug up several of the whole plant to transplant to my land. I will be sure to find a spot within walking distance where it doesn’t have to compete with other mints and hybridize with them losing it’s pure medicinal qualities. (a mistake I learned from experience) I hope I find a good home where it will be fruitful and multiply.
The Spearmint is bundled and hanging from the attic eaves to dry. I’d prefer to dry them in my bedroom above my bed. The smell is soooooooo amazing!
Other pics include fermented Milkweed buds with Ginger and Carrots and the brined Wild Grape leaves that I made yesterday. I learned today though that it is best to stack them and roll them as one before inserting in a quart or gallon jar. Next time…
The collies were bummed that I didn’t take them with me and are giving me the cold shoulder treatment.
I’ll make it up to them tomorrow at the Cattail swamp, a favorite place to romp.
Wild blessings to all!
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