You Know You are a Forager When…
When you are driving and have to name every plant silhouette that you pass as if it were a long lost friend. When you watch
Try another search?
When you are driving and have to name every plant silhouette that you pass as if it were a long lost friend. When you watch
A year of surfing nature’s wave, eating wild, learning, teaching, playing, loving one another, reclaiming once common sense, and delighting in Creation and the One
Jesus Christ, who claimed to be the Messiah, was referred to as “the Anointed One”. Why was he given that title? How can we know
Nature’s wave has retreated into the earth, silenced by the snow and ice but still very much alive in it’s apparent slumber. Leaves danced to
You can drink me as a tea. Drink me cold, it will help you pee Infuse me in honey Be creative with me and You
I had been busy, too busy to choose a plant to teach on for my Befriending Plants class. There are so many plants that I treasure
Shopping Tips Foraging Friday’s started today on the porch of the Todd Mercantile where I taught some of my wild shopping tips and covered our
Welcome Wild Foodies I am here to help you ride Nature’s Wave and learn about the free groceries in The Creator’s wild pantry. I love
People impact each other to some degree or another but once in a while you meet someone that changes the course of your life. These
My dear mentor, Marc Williams, came to my house to do his thing! Which is to lead us on a Forage to Feast wild foodie event!
What gives milk And it’s children fly; Turns into a puff As time goes by; Named for the king of beasts Yet wears a cheerful
This is the time of year to be tapping Maples and Birches. Freezing temps at night and WARM days means the sap is running. One
I have had many emails from Wild Blessings fans asking where my posts have disappeared to. The answer is FACEBOOK!
Tree eating is growing on me. Last year, I developed an appreciation for a variety of edible tree buds, leaves, fruits, nuts and even saps,
I eat wild edible weeds and I eat Paleo. Which means that I eat REAL food, most of it FREE for the picking. WILD?
Last week, I had the privilege of meeting the Queen of wild foods and my mentor, Linda Runyon.