Hiking up above Peaceful Acres with my collies in search of Morels…. again. Seemed like a reasonable place to look… many trees were felled years ago left to rot. No luck.
Yet my wild shopping basket still filled up with early Spring shoots and leaves from wild edibles.
Milkweed shoots are quite tasty when harvested young and cooked right. Similar to asparagus in texture and taste. I collected a basketful which I will pickle, blanch to freeze for later use, and eat fresh in a stir fry or casserole. Tonight they are going into Spring Rolls for an oriental menu.
There is a wild patch of Catnip growing amongst the Milkweed stand. I gave it a haircut, knowing that it will grow back several times this Summer for more harvesting. Though Catnip is edible, I don’t like it’s taste or it’s smell, but it does make great medicine.
Bee Balm, grows wild and abundant in several of my wild shops. Today was my first harvest of it’s bounty. My favorite use for it is as a delicious tea, hot or cold. I plan on making Bee Balm pesto with today’s harvest!
Violets, May 9 is a bit late for their abundant flowers. I did get a small basketful to make at least one batch of Violet scones to celebrate Spring! Inspired with Heather’s Violet fetish and recipes that she shared with us I had to try and get more. Next year I’ll enlist some of my young friends to help me collect them. Children never tire of the collection process though my back surely does!
Daisy Fleabane almost floats above the forest floor at Peaceful Acres. I’ve never used this plant but it is so abundant right now I harvested some to capture it at the height of it’s energy to have on hand to learn about when I get a chance.
Spring has rolled out it’s leaves and is in full swing (finally) at my altitude but I can still see the mountains above me with naked branches and only tinges of green unfurling. Hopefully soon I can climb higher and find the Morels and Violets still offering their gifts to this grateful forager.
Happy foraging everyone!
Anna nimus says
Do you leave some of the milkweed to grow so the butterflies have something to lay their eggs on?
holly says
Hah! Of course! BUT I am also planting Milkweed everywhere I go (just about) I carry the Ascplepia seeds in my backpack and spread the life. We have to protect the Monarchs, so tragic! The sustainable harvest is the only way to forage.