“Oh Lord, how many and varied are Your works, in wisdom You have made them all. The whole earth is full of Your riches.” Psalms 104:24
I love plants. I study them, befriend them, nurture them, treasure their many offerings and teach about them. Spending time in nature makes me appreciate the One who crafted it all. Nature’s beauty, pleasures and mysteries make me want to know more about the Artist. It is all worship to me.
I find it fascinating that when God created Adam and Eve He put them in a magnificent garden which He had lovingly prepared for their arrival. A garden filled with scents of healing flowers, trees and other plants. God created everything we needed to heal on an emotional physical mental and spiritual level, including wonderful aromatic plants and essential oils.
And the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and He put the man whom He had formed there.
And in that garden the Lord God caused to grow from the ground every tree that is desirable and pleasing to the sight and good,
suitable and pleasant for food. Genesis 2:8,9
The beauty of the garden reflected the beauty of it’s Creator. The pleasures hidden deep within Eden reflected the pleasures of it’s Creator. The marvelous mysteries in the Garden of Eden represented the marvelous mysteries of its Creator. We learn so much about the Artist by studying His artistry: His playfulness, His power, His attention to detail, His provision, His abundance, His wisdom, His Love, His faithfulness…
The purpose of this blog is to educate and inspire you to realize the infinite care and detail to which our Creator has gone to provide for us everything we need for our well being. His intention for our healing has always been through His creation.
And their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelations 22:2
In this blog I will cover
what are essential oils
Essential Oils in the Bible
why Essential Oils work, their chemistry PSM
The power of Frequencies
What are Essential Oils?
Of all the mysteries in nature one of the greatest gifts to us and to the plants themselves are their essential oils. Essential oils are the life blood of the plant. These aromatic compounds are obtained from leaves, flowers, roots, stems of plants and bark of trees. and act as the plant’s immune system by they warding of predators, and balancing hormones. They are called essential because they are necessary for the life of the plant and contain the essence of the plant. They have vibrational energy and are imbued with adaptagenic intelligence They are called essential because they are essential to the life of the plant. They can work in our bodies in the same way, they benefit every aspect of our being.
Essential Oils in the Bible
The ancient people of the Bible understood these precious gifts and used them for every purpose to enhance spiritual worship, maintain wellness, physical healing, emotional cleansing, and purification from sin. There are over 200 references to essential oils in the Bible. and more than 1,000 references about botanicals. These oils weren’t the same thing we have today distillation did not come into being until _______
The oil of Joy or Gladness and how oils rejoice the heart is mentioned 4 times
Why Essential Oils work, their chemistry PSM
Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules that can penetrate into every cell, administering healing therapy at the most fundamental levels.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” God spoke his creation into existence by His very word. What makes Essential Oils special
Our words are a frequency, wavelength, vibration an expression of energy. When God created the plants by His speaking voice, he imbued them with his Word and intelligence.
Everything that God made has a frequency that can be measured. Of all the frequencies on the planet essential oils are the highest. This has amazing implications for shifting physical, emotional, spiritual and even mental capacities.
One of the most important properties is the ability for oils to lift our body frequencies to levels where disease cannot exist.
The frequencies of oils are between 52-320 MHZ
Rose is the highest
Healthy people have frequencies at between 62-68 mhz
below 58 cold symptoms start
57 flu symptoms start
55 candida starts
52 Epstien Barr (mom)
42 Cancer
25 process of death
Rose 320 Helichryism 181 Lavender 118 German Chamomils 105 MHz Juniper 98 MHz
Applying oils in prayer greatly affects their effectiveness
Personal Story of my mom “I’m back”
My own story of Jason putting oils in my diffuser when I am depressed to shift my mood and I just want to wallow in negativity. It would have been fun to have raised our four sons with oils i
God’s creation and the Garden
When God created Adam and Eve he put them in a magnificent garden it was It operated beautifully according to Papa’s plan. Everything was in order. The beauty of the garden reflected the beauty of its Creator. The pleasures hidden deep with in Eden reflected pleasure with it its Creator.
And the Lord Godp lanted a garden in the east, in Eden; and He put the man whom He had formed there. And in that garden the Lord God caused to grow from the grund every tree that is desirable and pleasing to the sight and good, suitable and pleasant for FOre. FFenesis 2:8,9
And their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekile 47:12 and Revelations 22:2
What are essential oils
The healing oils of the Bible are the vital fluids of plants that are their life blood.
They are called essential because they are necessary for the life of the plant and contain the essence of the plant. Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules that can penetrate into every cell, administering healing therapy at the most fundamental levels.
Use 5 sense to appreciate His creation The breeze on my face is God loving me
The swaying leaves are rejoicing in creations God
The bird singing among the branches of my E oak was sent by God to bless me
Proverbs 21:20 “There are precious treasures and oils in the house of the wise.”
All of creation was gifted to us by our loving Creator. I find it fascinating that
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” God spoke his creation into existence by His very word. What makes Essential Oils special
Our words are a frequency, wavelength, vibration an expression of energy. When God created the plants by His speaking voice, he imbued them with his Word and intelligence.
Everything that God made has a frequency that can be measured. Of all the frequencies on the planet essential oils are the highest. This has amazing implications for shifting physical, emotional, spiritual and even mental capacities.
One of the most important properties is the ability for oils to lift our body frequencies to levels where disease cannot exist.
The frequencies of oils are between 52-320 MHZ
Rose is the highest
Healthy people have frequencies at between 62-68 mhz
below 58 cold symptoms start
57 flu symptoms start
55 candida starts
52 Epstien Barr (mom)
42 Cancer
25 process of death
Rose 320 Helichryism 181 Lavender 118 German Chamomils 105 MHz Juniper 98 MHz
Applying oils in prayer greatly affects their effectiveness
Personal Story of my mom “I’m back”
My own story of Jason putting oils in my diffuser when I am depressed to shift my mood and I just want to wallow in negativity. It would have been fun to have raised our four sons with oils i
A bit of chemistry
Essential oils are extremely concentrated 1 drop contains 40 million trillion molecules
we have 100 trillion molecules in our body 1 drop of oil is enough to cover every cell in our body with 40,000 molecules
PHENOLS: Preparation, cleans receptor sites of cell – PREPARE Clove 90% Basil 75% Cinnamon 73%Anise 50%Peppermint 25%
Create conditions where unfriendly viruses and bacteria cannot live. Most important function is that they clean the receptor sites on cells. Without a clean receptor site, cells cannot communicate well
SESQUITERPENES: Oxygenating, cleans out the junk, deletes and unscrambles – STOP Cedarwood 98% Vetiver 97% Sandalwood 90% Black Pepper 74% Myrrh 62%
They deliver oxygen molecules to cells, like hemoglobin does to red blood cells. They too can help erase or decode miswritten coding in the DNA. They are especially thought to be effective in fighting cancer Because of oxygen and the miscoding
MONOTERPENES: Restorative, reprograms correct information in cell memory DNA – MEND or RESTORE Galbanun 80% Angelica 73% Hyssop 70% Pepppermint 45% Juniper 42% Frnkincense 40% Spruce 30%
They offer a variety of healing properties, but most importantly can go into a cell and help reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory, which can often times lead to diseases such as cancer
ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity
Essential oils are very powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals. Antioxidants prevent all mutations, work as free radical scaverngers prevent fungus and prevent oxidation in the cells ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity is a scale that measures the Total Absorption Capacity in a food source. the higher the antioxidant value the higher the ORAC scale
The Bible mentions over 33 species of fragrant plants with over 1,035 references to essential oils and or plants in the Old and New Testaments
For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden. And her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in it, thansksgiving and the voice of melody.