Congratulations for investing in your health by getting started with Young Living oils. That is a huge step in the right direction. So now that you have your treasure chest of oils…now what?
Essential Oils and Young Living’s Toxic Free products will change your life if you use them, often and with intentionality. Using oils takes a bit of a learning curve and that is why learning in community is the way to go. Your Essential Oils Reference Guide or Oily App is the place to start to empower yourself to become oily wise. But along with the written materials I gift my members, it is important to know what resources are available to you to continue your education and your confidence level in using the Plant’s medicine, their essential oils.
My good friend and mentor Samantha Lee Wright posts this world reknown podcast on essential oils. Her content and guests that she interviews are top notch. Subscribe for free and catch up on the 147 episodes of all things oily. You will love this!
Our team FB groups: Our private FB groups just for our members, this will be the place to welcome new members, ask questions, post your thoughts. We are an oily family. These team pages are also the place to go if you want to join team incentive giveaways and contests.
Spunky Oils This is our immediate private Oily group for our team. I will welcome you to this community so you
Member Kickstart (First exposure to the Young Living Lifestyle)
For new members this is a 9 day event one time each month. The first Sunday of every month they start an 8 day series of short videos 7-10 minutes to help you get introduced to the community, your oilsandto give you some really valuable info that you need when getting started.
Monthly Personal Growth Facebook groups:
November Myra Yarbrough is leading this inspirational daily group
Random FB groups on oils
For the medically or scientific minded you may wish to learn from Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton at his Essential Oils FB group He covers all the things from a scientific perspective and with his full understanding of physiology. The Pinned post has a thorough Table of Contents so you can research whatever topic or oil you are interested in learning about easily
Essential Oil Club (E.O.C):
For Professionals using Oils. Krissy Chin (a Spunky sister) organized this amazing FB group of professionals sharing how they use essential oils in their practice, from Psychologist to Massage Therapist, Lawyer to personal trainer, Hair stylist to teacher… Extremely well done interviews and so empowering.
In 2104 when the FDA made it increasingly challenging to share about the healing nature of the oils, one website remains still standing that is fairly candid about how powerful these tiny molecules are for ‘staying above the wellness line” it is You’ll have to register to login, it is full of anecdotal stories of how the oils were used and which one for just about any chealth challenge. Register (it’s free), Log In (use your YL Password) and search for the condition you need oily wisdom on
Discover Young Living Essential Oils with Sonya Swan
The Oils of Ancient Scripture with Dr. David Stewart
Local Events
If you live local we have team activities regularly. Oily Classes: Perfumery classes, Oils and Emotions, Raindrop Therapy, Chemistry of Essential Oils, Strengthening your Immune System with Essential OIls, Oilys and Love, Oils and Babies, Oils and Kids These will be advertised on Spunky Oils or Roils Headquarters.
Business Training
Personal Connection
Holly Drake 828 406 8241