I’m meditating a lot lately on what things nature teaches us about the personality of our Creator. Hope to write a blog on it soon. Today for example I fell deeper in love with Jesus just because of His playfulness in creating Cleavers. I happened on a thick patch of lush Spring Cleavers while hiking with my collies this morning. SO I did what God had intended for His kids to do… I artfully decorated my tee shirt with Galium aparine. The Lilac bush exploding with blooms and delicious scents beckoned me to put one behind each ear so as to keep the deliciousness with me as I hiked. In the woods the unusual shape of the Bloodroot plant reminded me of how my grandfather, Pop, would take me on nature walks and we’d come back tattooed like indians ready for the war path. So I tatooed my arms with hearts from the vibrant colorful root.
Soon my basket was full of edible tree buds (that didn’t go in my mouth first!) smiling Violets for a Winter’s supply of ice cubes, Sumac shoots, Solomon Seal roots.. and I began to meander back home. Never occurred to me how I ’looked’ until I met my neighbors out on a stroll. Even then their raised eyebrows and smirks didn’t alert me till I saw my reflection in my bathroom mirror.
They must think I just never grew up! But the fun thing is that I know that God is laughing with me as I dance with Him in playful worship appreciating His treasures that He has hidden all about to delight me!