Teaching Tuesday’s
When: Every Tuesday from 11-12pm EST live
Where: Facebook live on Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake (a private group, by invitation only)
What: Ever wonder what is on Nature’s shelves right now? Join me in this virtual teaching where I will showcase edible and medicinal plants as they come in season. I’m so excited to be starting this in the Winter so we can ride Nature’s Wave together. Sometimes we’ll be Befriending one plant for the hour and then writing a poem about it, other times I will teach on important topics to empower you as a forager and fellow wild one to appreciate creation and the Creator. I will demonstrate various herbal preparations and cooking techniques with wild foods right there in my kitchen. For years this class was held on the porch of the Todd Mercantile but with Covid I decided to keep the learning going in the safety of our own homes. This is only available for members of Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake private FB group. Friend me on Holly Drake FaceBook if you want to be added to our private Wild Blessings group.
The videos are viewable on Replay on my Private facebook group – Wild Blessings with Holly Drake
Topics we will explore over the coming months are: Seizing the Seasons, The Wild Garden, The Restorative Power of Nature, Appreciating Nature with all 5 Senses, Edible Trees, Edible Flowers, Invasive Plants, Plant Medicine, Cooking and Preserving the Harvest, Roots, Seeds, Sit Spots, Herbing Around, Creating with Nature, The Honorable Harvest, Moon Cycles, Fermenting Wild Plants, Preserving the Wild Harvest, Art and Plants, The Re’s of Nature: Revive, Refresh, Recharge, Refocus, Realign, Reaffirm, Reflect, Rediscover, Reconnect, Poisonous Flowers, Your Plant Ally, Weeding Contemplations, Botany, Soil, Sunrise and Sunset, Deadly Look-a-Likes and of course Befriending Plants (one plant in great detail)
February 2 – Befriending Pine
February 9 – Seizing the Seasons
February 16 – Seeing Trees in Winter
Cost: FREE
Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake Private FB Group
Would you like to be a member of our private Wild Blessings Facebook group? It is a great way to stay connected and ride Nature’s Wave virtually together. If you wish to join you have to ‘friend me’ on Facebook and then I can send you an invite. There are some seasoned foragers in our group and we all learn more together. This is where Teaching Tuesday classes will be aired live each week and kept for replay. Members post on the topic of the week, sharing their plant poems, projects and experiences in nature. Please count the cost before asking to join because I really only want people who are committed to making this cyber community meaningful with their continued interaction and feedback.
Here is a link to my private FB group Wild Blessings w/ Holly Drake
Upcoming Webinars
Food Security
When: February 23 8:30pm EST
What: Grow, Forage, Store Food Security Webinar with Master Gardener, Brendan Riordan and Wild Edible plant forager, Holly Drake
“The wise man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them but the fool goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” Proverbs 22:3
Where: Join ZOOM meeting Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84945325158?pwd=UlNmVTRKLys1L08raUptV0NSdzVzZz09#success
Meeting ID:849 4532 5158
Passcode: 615530
Space is limited to the first 100 people to sign up.
Why Eat Wild Food
“Why Eat Wild Food” has been my most popular public speaking topic. I have taught it at many churches, camps and at our local library.
What: Nature was the original supermarket. Ever wonder what the pioneers ate while traversing the Oregon Trail? There were supermarkets waiting at their destination but they weren’t the kind we have now. Seasonal and ever evolving wild edible plants have always been the Creator’s gift to us. What you can learn today used to be common knowledge. Relearning nature’s secrets and prolific offerings is a way of connecting with our ancestors in a life giving, empowering way and preparing us for a more self sufficient future. My talk will cover these benefits for learning the art of foraging and gathering from nature Economic, Health, Gardening, and Well Being considerations.
When: March 2 11-12pm EST on ZOOM
Where: This Slideshow Presentation will be held online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be advertised. Space is limited to the first 100 people to sign up.
Cost: FREE
How to Forage
What: Wild Edible Plants may be free for the knowing and the picking but there are guidelines that you need to know and I am happy to be your guide. In this lecture you will discover some keys to successful shopping in the wild. Foragers refer to them as the TIONS of foraging: preparaTION, locaTION, identificaTION, multiplicaTION, you’ll learn a bit about the art of ‘riding nature’s wave and how to forage for edible plants in every season…Lots of wild shopping tips as well. This is such a fun class. I hope you can join me.
When: March 23rd 11-12 EST On Wild Blessings with Holly Drake Facebook group
Where: This Slideshow Presentation will be held online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be advertised. Space is limited to the first 100 people to sign up.
Cost: FREE
Loving Well Workshop
What: A wildly wonderful 1/2 day retreat where we focus on strengthening our marriages, a time of reflection and exhortation to love well! Even if your marriage is strong and thriving this will be a blessing to make it more so.
“Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in unselfish love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” Colossians 3:14
I learned a little late in the game that if you really want to love your kids, LOVE THEIR DAD best! I’m making up for lost time! Marriages are under attack and we have to be intentional to keep ours strong and thriving.
Alison Dees and I are teaching another Loving Well workshop in March. We are keeping it small to only 5 women per workshop. We’ll be covering Spirit, Mind, and Body, using oils to make a little magic, eating well, spending time in nature and learning from God’s Word and each other on how to Love well. Alison Dees is an aromatherapy clinician and massage therapist and will be sharing awesome tips and techniques that are game changers.
When: March 14, 2021 2-8pm
Where: 279 Deer Crossing, Todd, NC 28684
Cost: $100 for the afternoon and evening, including dinner, healthy snacks and lots of gifts of Joy in each gift bag
The Healing Oils in the Life of Jesus Christ
What: Jesus’ life fulfilled many prophecies of ancient Scripture and He was called “The Christ,” even by those who knew Him best. What does this title mean and why was it important to verifying who He was? Come and explore the life of Jesus in a way you have never heard before through a presentation called, “Healing Oils in the Life of Christ.” Holly Drake will share this unique part of the life of Jesus while you experience for yourself the aromas and impact of these ancient oils. She will answer these questions and others like:
• Why was Jesus given essential oils at his birth?
• Why were essential oils used by Jesus and His disciples with prayer for healing?
• How does the Bible explain God’s design for using essential oils in your health?
When: April 2, 2021 7:30-9pm
Where: on Zoom
Cost: FREE
Wild Blessing Activities
Forage to Feasts
What:– Learn from Holly as you forage together for wild edible plants together with the goal of cooking a meal with our wild groceries.
Wild foodies are in for a fabulous, tasty learning experience where we shop for our wild groceries together learning about the wild edible plants as we gather them. After we garbling our catch (my term for sorting our weeds), each forager will cook an entree for our International cuisine meal. Finally, we’ll feast on nature’s bounty and enjoy each other’s company as we sip Dandelion root coffee, Elderberry wine and enjoy a wild dessert. Expand your horizons and learn by doing! Rediscover the green gifts that God has so generously provided for our food and medicine. Reconnect to your roots and reclaim knowledge that will feed your body and your spirit. Class space is limited.
Foraging Friday’s starting at the Todd Mercantile
Learn by being with the plants and hearing Holly teach about their history, botany and their edible and medicinal gifts. Harvest what is in it’s height of energy to bring back to Holly’s house where she will teach you how to ‘garble’ and ‘herb around’! You will learn culinary wisdom in cooking with wild edible plants. Over the course of the Summer you will learn how to make wild teas, vinegars, oils, stir friesMeet at the Todd Mercantile for a half hour of instruction. At 9:30 we will caravan to one of my favorite local ‘wild grocery stores’. Then returning back to my house in Todd, 279 Deer Crossing, Todd to work together in my kitchen with the plants. Bring a water bottle, pen and paper, layered clothing, long pants, closed toe shoes and hat. RSVP at 828-406-8241. Cost is $100 a person, discounts available for families. Scholarships available
When: There will only be 4 Wild Blessings Forage to Feasts in 2021, Sign up early to assure your spot. Space is limited to 7 participants, due to Covid and the need for social distancing.
Where: We will meet at the Todd Mercantile porch for a short time of instruction and then drive to a few wild shopping centers to gather and then return back to my home to cook up our Wild Food Feast.
Cost $80 – $100 This is a valuable learning experience as well as a delicious nutritious meal. You will be wildly blessed I promise!
Plant Walks
Knowing Your Own Land
Private Tours: Learn Your Land Tours & Guide Services
Private land tours to teach you about the wild food and medicine growing on your own property. OR book a guided, personalized Nature experience
Meet the edible and medicinal plants and trees growing around you.
A Private Land Tour is a personal introduction to your land and the useful plants growing on your property. Together we will walk your property and discover the food and medicine right in your own backyard!
On a Private Land Tour you will receive:
- A personal, one-on-one 3 hour walk on your property!
- Skills and techniques for connecting and communicating with your land ensuring a strong relationship for years to come.
COST: $120 ($30 non refundable booking fee. Full payment due 24 hrs before tour)
There is no better time than now to open up this way of living, remembering and healing!
Please send an email to Stormie@hedgeandhollow.com or call 828-260-5281 to schedule a time that works for us both and arrange payment. (Non-refundable $30 booking fee due at scheduling)
Support /Payment