About Wild Blessings

Welcome to my website. My name is Holly Drake and I love to study, teach, and talk about wild foods. I live in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina with my husband Jason and my dog Max where I explore the beauty of God’s creation to learn as much as I can about wild foods that are available to us for free.

Latest Blogs

Curses and Blessings…BURdock

A study of Arctium lappa….common Burdock   “I passed by the field of the sluggard and by the vineyard of the man lacking sense, and

Befriending Hawthorns

The Bible says that the Life is in the Blood (Leviticus 17:14). ” The issues of life are the blood. Our body is only alive

Befriending Chestnuts

Would it peak your curiosity to learn that there is a tree that has been acclaimed as God’s Acorn, The Bread Tree, The Money Tree,

Befriending Acorns

It is late September, White and Red Oak trees are releasing their acorns to the forest floor.  The time to gather is now before the


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