About Wild Blessings

Welcome to my website. My name is Holly Drake and I love to study, teach, and talk about wild foods. I live in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina with my husband Jason and my dog Max where I explore the beauty of God’s creation to learn as much as I can about wild foods that are available to us for free.

Latest Blogs

Befriending Plants: Magnificent Mullein

Mullein offerings I am a connector!  Introducing others to our Creator’s world of plant wonders is my passion. The common Mullein is anything but mundane,

The Honorable Harvest

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Just as an expectant mother prepares for her soon to be born child, God prepared

Curses and Blessings…BURdock

A study of Arctium lappa….common Burdock   “I passed by the field of the sluggard and by the vineyard of the man lacking sense, and


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