Botanical Name: Viola odorata
Family: Violaceaea
Common Names: hearts ease, pansy, Johnny jump up
Violet is a clumping perennial plant
Leaf: smooth, serrated, heart shaped leaves
Stem: flowers born separately on delicate stems
Flower: 5 petals, nectar bearing spur, irregular
Root: Lateral rooting stolons
Leaf: Early Spring- Fall
Flower: Early Spring false flower, blooms as the harbinger of Spring
Woodlands, meadows, (transplant to garden’s brings larger leaves) likes damp
Harvest flowers, stems, leaves and roots.
Leaves cook as spinach, cut up for salads, use leaves as thickener for stews and soups,
Eat flowers candied, in salads or raw
Violet is extremely high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Violets are 3 x’s richer in Vitamin C weight for weight as oranges
Per 1/2 cup
Protein 1.4 g, Carbs 2.7 g, Calcium 47 mg, Poh 86 mg, Potassium 166 mg, Ascorbic 18 mg, Meta Carotene 400 ug, Niacin 600ug
Alterative, Muscilagenous, Expectorant, Emollient, Demulcent, Diuretic, Antiseptic, Vulnerary, Dissolvant, Depurative, Lymphagogue, Aperient, Emetic (root)
1. Conditions Violet addresses: hearts ease comforts and strengthens the heart, Bronchial infection- Cancer care ally 0 Breat cancer ally, nervous system support, asthma inflamed throat laryngitus headaches cools fevers arthritus skin diseases
2. Us plant material as poultice for skin conditions
3. make gargle for mouth sores (ake flower syrup)
4. Make glycerin tincture
5. Party Ice Cubes freeze flowers in 1/2 full ice cube trays, add rest of water and freeze again: captures flower in the center of cube
6. make violet milk for cosmetic face wash
7. Plwerful lymphgogue that relieves congestion and swollen lymph glands
8. Use for dry cough (mucilagenous) and for ear infections
9. Infuse oil made with fresh violets to dissolve lumps of the breast